Everyone deserves a little time to relax each day. Often, people have certain activities that they enjoy doing while they relax. For some, reading a newspaper and enjoying a cup of coffee is the way to find bliss and relaxation. Some people enjoy spending time with their families.
For others, smoking tobacco products brings about a sense of relaxation. Many factors contribute to tobacco’s giving a sense of relaxation. From the deep breaths into the dopamine released by the brain during tobacco use, Funnels all-natural tobacco is the perfect supplement for a relaxing time.
When one uses tobacco, he or she is taking a deep inhale and a deep exhale while smoking. Yogis have been doing breathing exercises for over a thousand years. These breathing exercises help yogis reduce stress and come to a place of calmness. Smoking has the same effects.
For many people in today’s society, they do not have the time to spend hours a week doing yoga. People have to be moving and working constantly. Smoking Funnels gives the same effect as deep breathing exercises, and smoking Funnels is fun at the same time, unlike meditation. Deep breathing is an important part of relaxing, and smoking helps the unpracticed people perform deep breathing exercises.
Smoking also releases dopamine in the brain. Dopamine stimulates people’s perceptions of pleasure. Dopamine production is important for people to enjoy food and sex. Smoking Funnels is a great way to release one’s dopamine and relax. In the article “Do You Find Smoking Relaxing? Here’s Why”, the author explains, “Nicotine also affects neurotransmission (NT). NT is the fluid which transmits signals between nerve endings. Nicotine, in the case of smoking, turns the warning signal that the body has been exposed to stress into the opposite signal, that the body is more relaxed” (1).
When one smokes, he or she becomes orally stimulated. “Smoking is a powerful erotic sensitivity of the oral zone. Oral pleasure is just as fundamental as sexuality and hunger. It functions with full strength from earliest childhood. There is a direct connection between thumb sucking and smoking” (1). Interestingly enough, smokers often take up other oral habits, such as candy or gum, when they quit smoking.
Everyone is looking to relax. In our society, people are constantly overworked. Most people do not know what to do to relax and unwind. Smoking is a relaxing and enjoyable experience, so try smoking with Funnels. Funnels provides a fun, safe way of relaxing.
“Do You Find Smoking Relaxing? Here’s Why’. HEBF. HEBF. 16 Nov. 2012. Web. 11 Mar. 2016. http://www.hebiofeedback.co.uk/hebf-latest/do-you-find-smoking-relaxing-here-are-5-reasons-why/