Why Roll? The Real Reasons To Roll Your Own Cigars

  Often, tobacco smokers are under the impression that they must buy pre-rolled tobacco products such as “blunts”. This can

Man smoking a cigar


Often, tobacco smokers are under the impression that they must buy pre-rolled tobacco products such as “blunts”. This can be for several reasons.

  • First, they may not know that tobacco leaves are available.
  • Second, they may think that the tobacco leaves are inferior products that were rejected by the major cigar and cigarette manufacturers.
  • Third, they may be unaware of the cost difference between pre-rolled tobacco and leaf tobacco.
  • Fourth, they may not want to put the effort into making their own tobacco products.


All of the preconceived notions surrounding tobacco leaves are false. From Funnels Whole Leaf blogs, one can gain the information necessary to enjoy a nice, satisfying cigar or cigarette.

Rolling one’s own cigars will bring that person many pleasures. The taste of freshly rolled tobacco is astonishing.

One Funnels customer recently stated, “Funnels whole leaf tobacco products are the greatest. Smoking a Connecticut leaf is pure bliss.” Fresh leaves do not go stale as pre-rolled cigars do.
Unfortunately, many vendors do not take the necessary steps to protect their cigars or cigarettes. When smoking a leaf from Funnels, one can be assured that the leaf is fresh. The act of rolling a cigar is quite simple.

Many may think that a surgeon’s dexterity is needed to roll a cigar, but the truth is, anyone can do it. All one must do is put the tobacco in and roll it up. If that isn’t of interest to the smoker, there are many rolling machines that will do the work for them.

Funnels sells all-natural tobacco, that’s why we always say, “Roll naked!” None of their products contain any additives. In the tobacco business, this is a rare feat. While many tobacco companies use additives to hook customers, Funnels knows that its superior products need no additives. The quality of the leaf speaks for itself. Funnels customers will always come back for more.

The absence of additives also makes the act of smoking much safer. In fact, many scientists believe that the additives, not the tobacco itself, cause lung damage, emphysema, lung cancer, and heart disease.

Natives used tobacco for centuries before European’s arrival. During this time, Natives lived long, healthy lives that included tobacco use. Moreover, tobacco was considered safe by European societies until additives were used. When additives started being added, unsurprisingly, health risks were discovered.

At the end of the day, Funnels is the best whole leaf tobacco retailer. The quality of tobacco that Funnels sells is not matched. As Funnels’s business continues to thrive, more people will discover the joys of whole leaf tobacco.

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