Celebrities Smoking Cigars…No Longer A Well Kept Secret

Many people enjoy a cigar occasionally. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, soldiers, and many more professionals smoke cigars to celebrate special occasions.

Jay-Z-02-mikaMany people enjoy a cigar occasionally. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, soldiers, and many more professionals smoke cigars to celebrate special occasions. Celebrities are no exception to this rule. At the Hollywood after-parties, almost all of the celebrities partake in a cigar and a glass of Champagne. Let us explore which celebrities smoke cigars and why they should switch to Funnels.

Believe it or not, celebrities of all types smoke cigars. Actors and actresses, musicians, politicians, and all others important enough to make the cover of supermarket tabloids probably smoke cigars.

According to the article “Cigar Smoking Celebrities”, Al Pacino, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Demi Moore, Nicolas Cage, Jay Z, and many more celebrities enjoy cigars (1). A list of every cigar-smoking celebrity would be pages long. Celebrities are just like everyone else: they enjoy the finer things in life.

Unfortunately, these celebrities are missing out on a phenomenal smoking experience. They are not smoking Funnels quality leaves. Funnels tobacco wraps are all natural and taste delicious. Funnels’ leaves also give the smoker the satisfaction of knowing that he or she is smoking an all-natural product, free of harmful additives.

Funnels is the right source to buy all-natural tobacco products. Funnels also provides a hands-on experience. Many celebrities enjoy working with their hands, for example, Jay Leno. Jay Leno is known for working on his own cars. He would probably enjoy rolling his own cigars, too. Maybe Jay Leno should switch to Funnels’ all-natural tobacco leaves.

Celebrities should join the multitude of Funnel’s satisfied customers and roll with chemical-free Funnels brand leaves. Whether the celebrity is health-conscious, thrifty, or a do-it-yourself type of person, he or she is guaranteed the experience that comes from smoking Funnels’ natural products.

Cigar Smoking Celebrities.” Cigars4Dummies. Cigars4Dummies. Web. 12 Feb. 2016. <http://www.cigars4dummies.com/gallery/cigar-smoking-celebrities.html>.

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